Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I need to get better about reading books to Hunter. I should make it a part of our routine every night. I have a tendency to be very lazy any time past 8pm.

I want Hunter to learn to read. I want to be a part of teaching him. I guess if that is what I want then I need to take action! Any ideas on how to incorporate reading into our busy lifestyles?
I have fond memories of several childhood books. Books are special, especially those given as gifts. If you ever give Hunter a book, write a note in it for him with the date. I hope to build a collection of books, love, memories and literacy. Let the laziness end and the work begin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We've been reading to our kids almost every night since Jasmine was about 1 year old. We usually read to the kids right before turning out the lights for the night. I think the nightly reading is really where our kids picked up most of their early words and learned their colors, shapes, numbers, letters, animals, etc... Another nice side effect of reading right before bedtime is that it seems to help calm children down a bit and get ready to close their eyes for the night.

Nightly reading is a requirement of Jasmine's Kindergarten class. It was really nice being ahead of the game and already having this routine in place. Now Jasmine is reading at a first to second grade level. Some nights she even gives us a break and reads the books to the other kids.

Just try to make the reading a part of your nightly routine with Hunter. If he has a scheduled bedtime, that will help. For a couple of weeks, try to give reading the same priority as other bedtime tasks such as putting on PJs or changing the diaper. Just make it a habbit. If you and Wade are busy, maybe take turns reading each night (and don't let the other skip their night). Or, you could make it a priority to read together each night. If you have a hard time remembering, maybe put up a calendar or something where you can put a check in the box that you did your reading for the day. By the time Hunter is 2 he will know the routine and will probably remind you every night that you need to read to him before bed.

Also, if you don't have a public library card, get one. Kids books are EXPENSIVE. Even with a pretty big book collection of our own, the kids tire of the same books after a while. It is nice to be able to go to the library and get bunch of new books every other week.