Friday, May 15, 2009

Grass or Fruits/Veggies?

"I love summer produce too! Remember how I always took you into the field whenever I could? Picking blueberries and peaches in Louisiana, strawberries and apples in Connecticut and running around in the corn fields of Nebraska?! I have found mint growing in my yard and I made another fresh pitcher of mint ice tea today. I was thinking about the water shortage and that they should let Calif. Yards go back to their natural habitat, which is desert and give the water to the agriculture valley. Fresh food is more important than grass! But I don't really like grass, so easy for me to say.
Love, Mom"
My mom sent me this great email and picture today. What do you want more grass of fresh food? I think my vote is obvious....but for clarity I would vote for fresh food any day of the year.

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