Monday, January 18, 2010

A change is least in the state of MA. I cannot stand too much political talk, debate and news in my makes my blood ruins nice evenings....and most times there is NOTHING I can do about it. Wade and I have been watching and listening to the health care debate unfold. There have been times, many times, that I just have not understood why this is happening this way. I am OK with not getting my way or things happening that I may think are not what our country needs....that is the ebb and flow of life.

What I have a hard time with is paying for someone to get an abortion. It more than bothers me...or causes a knot in my literally causes me physical pain for me to realize that MY tax dollars could KILL a child.

When Ted Kennedy passed away and the "people's Senate seat" became available I said a silent prayer that God might put a warrior there. A warrior that could stop my fear from becoming reality. Against all odds in one of the most liberal states....a republican got elected last night. More importantly a conservative fellow that will fight this health care bill as it stands today.

As Wade and I debated about how the DARK blue state of MA could elect a RED Republican at this time in their agenda.....I realized that I am not alone in my pain. In fact a "think tank" discussion with the voters of MA on FOX news really outlined what was happening in their state and I believe across our great nation. People are not OK with the current agenda....even the same people that elected to put that agenda into place a year ago.

A change is coming....and I hope that I NEVER EVER have to fear my (hard work) tax dollars being used in a fashion such as abortion again. I am OK with the voters choice and the people being herd...even when it is not what I agree with.... however I will NOT be OK with paying for abortion even if every other voter in America is....and if it happens I just might have to move to Canada.

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