Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hunter is working of his 5th and 6th teeth....and this icy cold, sweet treat did the trick to take the edge off the process of cutting those teeth. Through motherhood I have began to really understand the importance of soothing aches and pains.

More often than not just a touch can heal. I will forever find comfort in a long tight hug from my mother and I will always be able to easily fall asleep with my father's voice holding a conversation in the back ground. When we first brought Hunter home there were some moments I just couldn't calm him and would need Wade to take a stab at it....He would walk outside and sit on our front porch and they would both listen to the wind chimes...Wade would always walk back in the house with a sleeping baby.

We are all soothers and need to be soothed. We all also need God because there is not a greater soother for our sinful selves than the forgiveness, grace, truth and mercy of Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your dad sent me your blog! You are good at it. Your son is as cute as his mom. I am still you #1 fan. Thanks for mentioning my blog, too! You are so sweet.

Give my best to Wade. Love all three of you.

Barry Cameron