10. Splitting the household responsibilities. I am responsible for Laundry (even though I am incapable of putting it away), food and cleaning the house. Wade's duties include the trash, mail, insurance, bills and the maintenance of the house and cars. Fair right?...
9. Joint Checking. Together we have learned how to communicate about where and how we are spending our money. Through different management tools and budgets we are balancing our needs and wants as well as how to kindly communicate where we are. Thank God for the IPhone budget application!!
8. Putting each other first. WOW this has been powerful for me. The more I respect my husband and put his wants and needs first the more he gives me what I need....LOVE.
7. Joining families. I love the Little family. They have accepted me and loved me from day one. I thought I have an amazing family before but it has only gotten bigger and better with the addition of all the Canadians! I also have had the opportunity to watch my parents prayers be answered through Wade as he became a son-in-law to them and a husband to their daughter. I have watched them love and respect my husband as their friendship grows. I cannot wait for each new memory with my entire family.
6. Meeting new friends. Wade and I both had some great friends before we were married...friends that are family. How GREAT it has been to be blessed through all our friends and to share our lives as we love each other and watch our families grow.
5. Sex. It is great to be able to have sex and not feel guilty about it!
4. Acceptance. I am wanted. I am loved. I have a home that is warm and welcoming. I have people that love me and want to be with me. And I want to be with them...more than anything else I want to be with them.
3. A new name. Changing my name was a challenge...but it was the best gift Wade has ever given me. We are a family and our names, actions and love reflect it.
2. The birth of Hunter Neil Little. This is one of the BIGGEST and BEST moments of our marriage. This is the beginning of the legacy of our love.
1. Companionship. No more good byes! We are together forever. We are able to share the best and worst of each day. We get to challenge each other, love each other and walk together.
Wade I love you. I love us. I love me....the wife in me, the mother in me, the you in me. I cannot wait to see what the next year brings. I promise forever. I promise to try my best. I promise to love you and only you. I promise to grow with you and closer to you. I am more in love with you today than ever before.
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