What a great show! This week 24 held a 2 hour episode and it was thrilling as well as thought provoking. This episode in particular left Wade and I thinking about torture and if we are OK with certain individuals being tortured in order to obtain information to stop terrorist attacks on our country. I am still divided.....
Half of me hates the idea that people are being physically harmed in order to persuade them to talk. And what if they really do not know anything...?? There is always that shred of doubt that makes me wonder if you are harming someone in order to get them to talk and they really do not know anything....
The other half of me wants to protect this great nation at any cost...I want to believe that the only people being tortured are those we know have information about eminent attacks on the United States. I want to protect and prevent harm to the people and leaders of this country. I want those who intend to harm us to be harmed.
SO which half wins?? Last night if I was President Taylor I would have let Jack Brouwer get the information he needed....but hind sight is always 20/20 right.
What do you think?
You were up early!!
I think tortue is unethical and we let our want of power drive us to do things we would not normally approve of. In the end, this person or terrosist will be judged... but not by us.
Well I have thought about it some more and have to say that if my family was at risk I would do anything necessary to protect them...so yes it is a fine line but one I think that serves a purpose.
I am on the edge of my seat with this show and last night I thought I would barf. It is only a show but the thought of it happening felt so real. The problem for me is that evil wins if we can’t fight on even turf. If we don’t use their methods then we have to be smarter, quicker, stronger, God guided – and I think our country’s leaders have become corrupt and feed only on greed. Getting wasted by our enemies is a consequence. (not that I am pessimistic!) But Jack is a stud!
On another note, I thought McCain (?) would of got more accomplished with terrorists because they know he gets mad and would not be afraid to push the button. Obama wants to be friends. But who is the more religious man?
This show was is SO INTENSE.
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