Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Sun is Setting

Well it appears as though the end of Sun Mircosystems has arrived....and the beginning of a new day for IBM and possibly our family as well. In the coming days we will learn more about the sale of Sun to IBM and what that means for Wade's job.

I have many mixed feelings about this crossroads. I am sad for Wade. He has given 11 years of his life, his loyalty and his intelligence to Sun...I believe that he wanted to see Sun return to their glory days and that he wanted to be one of the proud soldiers fighting for what he believed in. On the flip side I have such a sense of peace and excitement about the possibility of change and of freedom from this battle he has been fighting for so long. The next months will be a journey full of challenges, drama, difficult choices and new endeavors. I have faith that this journey will lead us to the perfect place that God has for us in this period of our lives.

Please pray with us. Pray for all of the families that will be affected by this change. Pray for the leadership of IBM and SUN...that they make wise choices and that they are kind and grateful to all of the employees for their service and loyalty. Pray for Wade, that he will fear nothing at all because we are safe in the arms of our father, that he will have the clarity and strength to make the right choices and endure the path ahead and that he will rise to the challenge and help lead these companies onto a path of success....our family, the tech industry, the economy need it now more than ever.


Anonymous said...

The deal is just a rumor right now so maybe Sun will still stand independent yet....HHmmmm....maybe Renee is right and I am really holding on to wanting Sun to stand tall on its own....It should be interesting to see if the rumor is true or least stock went up 80% on the rumor.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say thanks for the comment today! I appreciated it! H