Thursday, April 16, 2009

Food Safety

Today is a big day for me....especially in light of the Salmonella outbreak in Pistachios. Today is the food safety audit of the plant. I have spent countless hours preparing for this day. We have completely rewritten the programs and trained all of the employees. I have a strong desire to not only pass the audit but to know that I am doing everything in my power to protect each person that eats an almond that is processed and packed in this facility from any possible threat to their health.

My biggest fear about this audit is verbiage. Everyone calls different documents/ programs/ procedures by different names. I want to have clarity of mind so that I can properly represent our program and practices despite any politics or verbiage.

I welcome today's challenge and look forward to the insight it will bring to our program as well as our frame of mind regrading the priority of food safety and quality.

Wish me luck....


Ericka & Nathan said...

Hi Renee, curious to see how your big day went. You have always been so dedicated to your job and you always give 110 percent. I'm sure your strengths shined through. Thinking of you.

Kristin January said...

Good luck!!

... How did it go?
