Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I am very feeling very thankful at this moment so I thought I would share my heart.

Every day I hear of more hurt, pain and loss. Yesterday I had an older gentleman in my office talking about the IOU his wife was going to receive from the state instead of her paycheck, and this is after 20 years of teaching our children! The other day another gentleman that services our water systems was in my office talking about his wife being laid off due to consolidation in her work place. I am constantly keeping up with several families through blogging that have suffered great loss and pain due to injury, death or disease. These people are fighting for their lives and livelihoods daily.

I am grateful that I am healthy and alive. I am grateful my husband and son are healthy and happy. I am grateful for our home and the food on our table. I am grateful for my job and Wade's job. I am grateful for my family and friends. I am grateful for JESUS. I am grateful for my stuggles, I hope they challenge me to be a stronger and wiser woman. I am grateful.

I am faithfully praying for health, healing and restoration of our economy. Join me in being grateful for what is good and praying for those that are in need. I love you. I am here for you, each of you, to celebrate or to cry or to laugh. Lean on me.

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