Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Congradualtions Kristin!

Kristin and Travis got engaged!

Kristin and I are friends from college. I remember our countless sleepovers. All of us girls would bet and giggle over who was going to be married first and we would dream about how the story of love in our lives would play out for each of us. We used to have long walks and talks about the men God had in store for us in the coming years and what our lives would look like as wives and mothers. We held each other accountable to only the highest standards. We prayed for each other then and we are praying for each other today as each of our stories unfolds.

I still remember one long walk we took in Yosemite years ago. Kristin said something to me that I will never forget. "If you want to marry a KING, you must be a QUEEN" That simple statement challenged me to be the best I could be, to never stop changing and growing and to have confidence in the fact that I was becoming a QUEEN and that I was worthy of my perfect KING.

Now Kristin has found her King and accepted his proposal for marriage. This is your dream come true Kristin! My heart overflows with joy for you and Travis.

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