Thursday, December 4, 2008

I like to Eat Apples!

Hunter has been our one toothed monster for the past 3 weeks....but last night he became our two toothed monster! His second tooth has cut through and thankfully it has not been too painful for Hunter, because he has been in a GREAT mood!
With all those teeth I thought he could start chewing on this mesh toy that I filled with apple slices! He loved it. I am not the best eater and picky is an understatement. One of my many fears has been that Hunter will follow suit. To see him enjoy eating apples, peas, green beans, squash and anything else I offer him is like a weight lifted off my shoulders.
As a mother my instinct is for Hunter to have the best traits from Wade and I. All of my faults can stay my own. The truth is the he will have his own challenges and it is our job to teach him how to overcome those challenges and make the best of them.
With Christmas around the corner the ideas on how to teach Hunter about Jesus have been flooding my heart....but the devil is also at work. I find myself bogged down in the legality of living in a politically correct society. I want Hunter to make up his own mind about Jesus and his faith and this world, even if it is different than mine. I hope he is loving and kind with those that have other faiths or beliefs than his. I want his words to be honest and respectful. I want to be sure he knows who Jesus is, I want to show him and lead him, not shove or force him. I want to speak truth to him, biblical truth, even if it is not politically accepted. I want my lessons to be about love, selflessness and honesty. What a balance! Lord, give me what I need to be a wise and loving mother to Hunter and provide him with the physical and emotional health he needs to be a thriving and productive man. You are in control and I have faith you will teach me how to teach my son what is best for him, for he is yours after all.

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