Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

I have been thinking through my labor and delivery with Hunter these past few days as the story of Mary and baby Jesus have been told in Church. I gave birth drug free, but in a clean hospital and with a well educated and experienced staff of doctors and nurses. How scared Mary must have been to be in labor with the blessed baby Jesus. She was far away from home in a cold and dirty barn. She must have been in pain. She must have planned something different and prepared for the perfect delivery. God had another plan. 

Mary is a strong woman. One to be admired and remembered. But the story is about the baby. We all could have assumed that God would plan a grand entrance for his only Son. But reality is that Jesus is as real and simple as you and I. We can relate, we can understand, we can believe. The story of his birth is like the story of his the point. It is all about the LOVE of God and nothing else. This Christmas has been eye opening for me. It has been full of LOVE.

Merry Christmas. I hope you know Christ. I pray you see Christ in me.

Here are a few of our pictures. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Great post, Renee. You know how to keep Christmas about Christ and not about all the materialism and consumerism that society has made it into. I love reading your blog, I feel connected to you and Wade and Hunter even though I am far away. So sorry to have missed you guys this trip. Next time, for sure! Happy New Year!