Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

I have been thinking through my labor and delivery with Hunter these past few days as the story of Mary and baby Jesus have been told in Church. I gave birth drug free, but in a clean hospital and with a well educated and experienced staff of doctors and nurses. How scared Mary must have been to be in labor with the blessed baby Jesus. She was far away from home in a cold and dirty barn. She must have been in pain. She must have planned something different and prepared for the perfect delivery. God had another plan. 

Mary is a strong woman. One to be admired and remembered. But the story is about the baby. We all could have assumed that God would plan a grand entrance for his only Son. But reality is that Jesus is as real and simple as you and I. We can relate, we can understand, we can believe. The story of his birth is like the story of his the point. It is all about the LOVE of God and nothing else. This Christmas has been eye opening for me. It has been full of LOVE.

Merry Christmas. I hope you know Christ. I pray you see Christ in me.

Here are a few of our pictures. Enjoy!

Family Traditions

There are literally billions of things that I love about being a mother, but one of my top 10 is being able to share what I love about life with my son. Wade and I both come from AMAZING families and we both had our own holiday traditions. This Christmas we got to choose what would be our family traditions. 

Steak Diane is a meal that I have eaten every Christmas eve. We cook the meal at the table with a chafing dish! Not only is this meal an adventure but it takes awhile. I LOVE that we sit around the table for hours talking about the year, about Christ and about anything and everything else. This year was moving for me because I watched my father begin cooking the meal and Wade finish. That dinner was the testament of my year...I am with Wade now. He is my provider, my lover and my man! To watch him not only participate but to play an active roll in one of my (now our) family traditions was more than heart warming, it was moving.

My husband is not the most outgoing person, he is the genius behind the scenes.  When he shared with me a few weeks ago that one of his most precious family traditions at Christmas time was to have Santa visit of Christmas eve, I laughed. But he was serious, he bought the suit and played the part right down to the stuffed belly!  We surprised my parents and grandparents with a visit from Santa. Hunter enjoyed his first visit from Santa too, he could not keep his hands off  Santa's beard. I know that in the years to come as Santa visits every year and I collect pictures that these moments will ALWAYS bring me back to the center of life.....LOVE. 

It all comes down to LOVE. The love of Christ. The love of family and friends. The love between husband and wife. The love you have for your children. Love.

Sophia and Sebastian

Santa's visit to the Lim's house! We missed the Wong's:(....Next year!

Sophia and Sebastian are at a very talkative and interactive age and this visit from Santa was a BLAST. Good friends, especially ones with children the in the same age range as Hunter, have become priceless to us. The Lim's and Wong's especially have walked through day to day life with us this past year. The joy of watching our children grow while enjoying each other as people, parents and friends has been more than rewarding for me. Every time we get together I cannot let one regular Friday night dinner just be...I have to take pictures and make memories because I do not want to forget one second of our time together.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Uncle Nic

Nic stopped by last night for a visit. The whole family enjoys visits from Nic. Nic pets Laredo and gives him a few treats. Hunter gets to be tickled and spoiled with attention. Wade gets to enjoy a whiskey with a good friend and I get to learn a few cooking tips and catch up on all our Sonora friends. We love you Nic and please come by more often and stay longer.

Getting Ready

Is it Christmas yet? I am ready to enjoy my family, relax, eat good food and take a million pictures so we never forget Hunter's first Christmas.

The past few days have been busy, but good! We got all of our shopping done and the house is almost ready for my parents and grandparents to come for a visit. I put flannel sheets on the beds, stocked the fridge with yummy foods, filled up the wine rack and have decorated every part of the house with a Christmas something. We have a few last minute details that will come together today and tomorrow and then everyone will be here!!

Wade and I bought a few early Xmas gifts and have already opened favorite is a new camera to take all the detailed pictures I want of my boys. Wade got a new HDTV and surround sound and has been enjoying the hockey games like never before! This past year has been packed full of blessings and this Christmas and New Years will be the PERFECT celebration to recognize all that we have been given.

It has been raining here the past few days and wet weather is not ideal for hulling and shelling almonds. The dirt and mud have got us stuck a bit, but the sun is shinning today and hopefully it will dry out enough to let us run a few more stockpiles before the holiday break. This almond harvest has been unpredictable and has kept me on my toes. I will be thankful when the last nut is cracked out and we can hang up our coats until another year, so I better get back to working!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We went to the Bass Pro Shop to visit Santa this past weekend! Hunter was sound asleep by the time it was our turn. Thankfully he opened his eyes just long enough to snap this picture! They really go all out at the Bass Pro Shop!! We had a really nice time. I love Sundays!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas spirit!

We can all learn from our animals....even dogs and cats can love each other! (this is our cat 'Corona' and dog 'Laredo')

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Revival Day 4

Last night Wade took me to dinner at a local hole in the wall that serves some of the best homemade Italian food. We left Hunter with Miss. Rachelle and the girls for a Friday night pajama party. They had such a great time, as always.

Not only was the food amazing last night, but I fell in love with my husband all over again. We talked and debated about everything from the auto-makers bailout to adoptiong children. I love how he makes me laugh and how he challenges me to think outside the box. He held my hand and opened my door.

Last night was another step in lightening my load. Thank you Lord for my husband and for making him with me in mind. I think this Revival is working!

There is still a lot of work to be done. I am never done changing or growing. I need to start putting the first things first....God first.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Looking Like Christmas

Doesn't the house look great!

Hunter and Miss. Rachelle have added some decorations of their own to the house too!

Revival Day 1

It has been very cold here the past few days. This morning the Saturn had ice on the windows. Seeing as how I have never owned an ice scraper, I pulled out my Costco card and chipped away at the ice! The heater got going and all the ice melted away, however my heart could still use some warming this morning.

One of my co-workers walked into my office a minute ago and asked what was wrong because I looked sick. First, I was always taught it was rude to say someone looked anything but beautiful...doesn't it just make them feel worse? Ask how they are doing and feeling and not tell them they look awful. My reaction was sharp and I was hurt...but then I could hear my mother telling me to put on a little lipstick and it will all be fine....perhaps that is the answer.

I am at battle with my emotions and I cannot figure out why. I am quick to anger, slow to allow a smile to cross my face and I am holding on to more grudges than my arms can carry. I am tired, not feeling well and ready for some time off to just sit and enjoy my husband and son. I need a revival!! JESUS is COMING RENEE...get ready! Things need to change and it starts with me making a choice to change. This life is not about me, I know that but now how do I begin to live that out? Everyday I am going to redirect my energy to something that is good and of God....perhaps then I can began the warming of my heart.

Lets start with my husband. He is good, he is more than good he is great. He is alive and in love with me. He is a provider, a good father to our son and my lover. I am lucky to have him and to have today to be with him. I am not going to take today for granted....I am going to be sure he knows I love him and I am going to let him love me. See now I am smiling...this was a good start.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Wade is putting up lights and Hunter is supervising. Burrr it is cold today!!

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I like to Eat Apples!

Hunter has been our one toothed monster for the past 3 weeks....but last night he became our two toothed monster! His second tooth has cut through and thankfully it has not been too painful for Hunter, because he has been in a GREAT mood!
With all those teeth I thought he could start chewing on this mesh toy that I filled with apple slices! He loved it. I am not the best eater and picky is an understatement. One of my many fears has been that Hunter will follow suit. To see him enjoy eating apples, peas, green beans, squash and anything else I offer him is like a weight lifted off my shoulders.
As a mother my instinct is for Hunter to have the best traits from Wade and I. All of my faults can stay my own. The truth is the he will have his own challenges and it is our job to teach him how to overcome those challenges and make the best of them.
With Christmas around the corner the ideas on how to teach Hunter about Jesus have been flooding my heart....but the devil is also at work. I find myself bogged down in the legality of living in a politically correct society. I want Hunter to make up his own mind about Jesus and his faith and this world, even if it is different than mine. I hope he is loving and kind with those that have other faiths or beliefs than his. I want his words to be honest and respectful. I want to be sure he knows who Jesus is, I want to show him and lead him, not shove or force him. I want to speak truth to him, biblical truth, even if it is not politically accepted. I want my lessons to be about love, selflessness and honesty. What a balance! Lord, give me what I need to be a wise and loving mother to Hunter and provide him with the physical and emotional health he needs to be a thriving and productive man. You are in control and I have faith you will teach me how to teach my son what is best for him, for he is yours after all.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Winter is here!

Hunter got to meet Lainey! She is beautiful and still so tiny, especially next to Hunter!

The weather here has been cold and foggy. Winter is obviously here and I am glad! I love each season. Winter brings warm fires, Christmas celebrations and rain. We are in need of lots of rain to build back up our water supply so all the crops can be watered this next summer. There has been a BIG buzz about the inherent drought and the affects that will have on the almond trees and almond market. I would hate to see farmers loose their trees because there was not enough water. Lord, can we please have a wet winter in California?

Hunter has been under the weather lately and I thought it was a cold....but Dr. De La Cruz thinks it is a mild case of acid reflux and not a cold. Obviously Hunter does not have any trouble eating as he weighed in at 20 lb and 6oz, he just sounds congested more often then not. We are trying a new medicine called Axid, everything I have read looks good for infants. It has already made a huge improvement with his congestion.

Wade and I are beginning to get into the swing of the holidays. This weekend we will put up the lights and I will hopefully have the Christmas Cards ready to mail out! We need to trim the tree sometime this week. I have always enjoyed Christmas, but this year feels different. I so desperately want Hunter to understand the power and purpose of the birth of Christ...I want this holiday to be about celebrating Jesus. I am praying and beginning to discover new ways to celebrate the birth of Christ this Christmas. If you have any ideas, let me know!!

Love you.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

More Thanksgiving Holiday Pics!

4 Generations!

Grandma cannot get enough kisses in!

Great Grandma enjoying Hunter!

Watching Football with Grandpa!

Hanging out with Amy and Brandon!

What a great trip!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm a Big Boy Now!

Well the big step from a bottle has
happened...Hunter now is drinking from a sippy cup!

-- Post From My iPhone

Thanksgiving Holiday

Here are a few clips from out Thanksgiving Holiday! We are so thankful for many things. First and fore most our Savior Jesus Christ and the debt he paid for us on the cross. Wade and I are thankful for our home, jobs, family, each other and our love....and our precious son. We got to visit with lots of friends and family. We ate Turkey with Ken's family and what a fun time we had! We all felt so comfortable and got along like we were already family! Thanks Ken for inviting us all, we love you! Thanks mom and dad for always making it so easy and comfortable for us to be at your house....leaving is never easy. Sister thank you for being so much FUN! It seems I endlessly laugh when I am with you....and it seems like you can always get Hunter rolling with laughter as well. You are an AMAZING Auntie!

Hunter got to meet his great grandma Betty and Jim too. We also got together with Nate, Amy, Brandon, Brooke and Neal and Amanda and baby Lainey! I will get those pictures up soon.
Pray for our health...both Hunter and I got sick while home...hopefully Dr. De La Cruz will have the magic medicine!!