Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Rainy Day

Lainey Hudgins was born on Friday 10/31. She is an AMAZING gift to Amanda and John! They are a beautiful family. Amanda has a yellow lab like Laredo, and I cannot wait to hear how Freddy reacts to the baby. I can only assume he will lick her, protect her and love her. Walking with Amanda through these last few weeks have so much reminded me of when Hunter was born. I guess all births will remind me of my own. My heart leaps out of my chest with love, admiration and respect for women who go through pregnancy, labor and birth. There is something about the process that instantly connects us as mothers and women. I am so grateful to have such strong and faithful women in my life. I am proud of you Amanda and I cannot wait to meet Lainey! XO

I love the rain! It always brings a fresh, clean and earthy smell. The last few days we have gotten around an inch of rain. It is the first real good rain of the season. It has been dry and clean at work until now, which is nice. When it rain while the almonds are still in the field we always end up with a wet moldy mess to deal with in the plant.  We brought all the almonds in from the field last week....perfect timing!! 

Hunter has been sick the last few days. We have been laying low around the house. He is blowing through over a dozen outfits a day, poor kid. He is in the best mood, despite his ailing body. He has been handing out endless smiles and in a very snuggly mood. I love moments like those....where he snuggles right up into my arms. I love being able to comfort him. We are going to spend most of the day doing my favorite thing...laundry and errands

Here is a snap shot from Halloween night as Shrek. We stayed in because he was so sick, but we still put him in his costume for a few quick pictures. We enjoyed seeing all the kids come to the door. The longer I live in this house the more I fall in love with the neighborhood. There are really good people who are doing what they can to raise their families and do things right. 

I went on a walk this am and there were so many people out cleaning up the fallen leaves, chatting with their neighbors over steaming coffee and they all waved and smiled. I need to do more to get to know them! There are a few, that need help. One of our neighbors is a few months pregnant and outside smoking every morning. We also think she is using drugs. I wish I could help her to realize what she is doing. Right now I am praying specifically for that child and that I might have direction on what move to make...if one at all.

Enjoy your day! XO

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