Monday, November 10, 2008

The Pressure is ON...

WOW...what a crazy day. I feel like the minutes are slipping through my fingers. One of my favorite things about my perfect son is that time seems to stop when I am with him. Everything else fades away. My worries disappear. My heart swells with gratefulness that God chose Wade and I for Hunter. I miss him more today than ever before....I could use a Hunter moment right now.

The partners meeting is Wed and this is a big and important meeting for me. I have a huge presentation and I want to win them over! I am praying for clarity of mind and speech. I am asking for wisdom and guidance. I am hoping for open ears and eyes as I cross new bridges.

Yosemite was amazing. I have so much to share as my heart is full of moments that I will remember forever. I will post a few of the best pictures tonight and share a bit about why this was such a special weekend.

Take a chance today....on love, on life, on God! Big things are happening and God want to use you if you will let him.

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