Wednesday, November 17, 2010


On our flight from DFW to North Carolina I snapped this picture.

It feels like cheating to me... Seeing the clouds and all their majestic splendor from this perspective. I feel like this view is for God alone. We were above a rain storm. As soon as we broke through the clouds on our decent it was cold, gloomy and dark... This is what I felt like inside.. The perspective my two feet give me.

I started my period yesterday. It sucks on so many levels. Besides the fact I am on a get away trip with my husband I am 5 days early and now irregular again... Most horribly I am not pregnant. This is my perspective... And it sucks.

Last night Wade put this picture as my screensaver. This morning as I woke up to a glorious sun rise I was reminded that through Jesus I am able to see Gods perspective. I am loved. I have everything He wants me to have. I am complete. I am not cheating by seeing the glorious scenery above the storm... God invites me to join him there. And honestly there is no place I would rather be.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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