Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am learning more about myself every day...and about life.. Perhaps that is what wisdom looks like...a collaboration of epiphany's. I always knew, because the bible told me so, that age came with wisdom. What I am loving today is that wisdom is not something you suddenly have or do not have, it is something that you acquire over time, over each lesson learned, over each triumph and each disappointment. All of that to say I think I am collecting a few tidbits of wisdom these days...and they feel more precious that diamonds.

I am an emotional, passionate, strong willed, go-get-em type of woman. I rise quickly and fall hard. At first I did not I ever want to fall, but I am realizing now that perhaps it is the falling HARD part that brings unnecessary pain without growth. Almost like a leaf on the most beautiful Oak tree, it must fall every year it is a part of it's necessary process of life. Have you ever watched falling leaves, they almost float. They are full of style and grace...they are gentle and meek. They slowly become a part of the soil which eventually energizes the tree to grow in the spring with an even further and stronger reach than before. I want to stop falling like a dense rock and start falling with grace and purpose. I want to fall in order rise again...except rise higher, stronger and wiser.

I can feel the season of my life changing...I have known it was coming for a while now. Change is never easy or simple...but it is required in order to grow...and oh how my souls craves growth at a pace that I have a hard time keeping up with. Big changes are coming and I want this change so badly. I have dreamed about it for 2 years. I have prayed about it every day. I have worked hard and sacrificed in order to make it happen and my husband, my right hand...he has worked even harder to see this dream come true. Now we are moments away.

I feel my leaves are ready to fall. And on Monday when they start coming down...I pray I have enough tidbits of wisdom in my heart to fall with grace, purpose and love.

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