Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving...I love that we get to celebrate Thanksgiving twice a year!

There are many many things I love about Thanksgiving....

Pumpkin Pie with extra cool whip

Creamy mashed potatoes

Football - the one time a year I can stand to sit and watch a game

All the brightly colored leaves falling to the ground

A room full of people I love

Time away from work to just rest and relax

And my favorite.....

Thanksgiving has always been a time we sit around the table for hours after the meal is done and just talk about the past year and ALL that we are thankful for.

To my Canadians....

Thank you for loving me and taking me into your family without hesitation

Thank you for coming out to visit this past summer...our time was full of memories that will last a lifetime

I am thankful for Wade and what an amazing man you raised him to be

I am grateful to Neil for being an amazing hands on father to Wade...because now Wade is an amazing hands on father to Hunter.

I have loved watching Tanner with Hunter...I would never have guessed a teenager to be so in love with a toddler...but Tanner you are a special kid and we are so grateful to have you in our lives

We wish we were there with you all....but then I found out it was snowing.... and decided California might be a better, warmer place for me today....I promise to brave the cold snow for Christmas though!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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