Saturday, September 5, 2009


This is the first step in hulling...removing the hull and shell from the almond. Then comes the task of separating it so that you are only left with the that at the end you have something that looks like this....
It is all about separation. I think of it like a coin machine....separating nickles, dimes, quarters and pennies. These screens have holes the size of almonds...the almonds fall through but everything else stays on top.
Hulling and Shelling Almonds is a true art form. You have to adjust the machinery to just the right settings in order to avoid chipping and scratching....Then the screens all have to be set just right in order to separate out all of the hull, shell and other foreign material like sticks.

We have been running the Huller for 2 weeks straight now and we are finally in the groove. Quality is pristine and separation is the key!
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