Hunter continuously amazes me.
He is learning so many words and really
beginning to understand concepts. Wade has taught him the word scar...
because Hunter was always pointing out Wade's scar from having his appendix removed..
He knows ear, eye, mouth, nose (his favorite), belly button, cracker (sounds like
caca, yuck!), juice, car, Laredo, shoe, diaper, poo poo, aqua, water, bye bye, night, banana and so many more.
Just recently he started walking around saying "poo poo" after he pooped in his diaper. then we would say "Let's change your diaper, come on" He will run over and and sit down in the spot where we change him...
smiling and giggling the entire way!
Watching him grow. Kissing away his
ouchies. Rocking him to sleep. Playing rubber ducky. Teaching him. Eating messy, delicious food. Chasing him across the room. Laughing. Seeing all the light bulbs go off in his head. It is all AMAZING!