Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Testing 1, 2 , 3....

Wade and Hunter are at the hospital today for testing. Hunter is having a sweat test done in order to rule out Cystic Fibrosis (CF). CF is a genetic disorder where your body created too much mucus, and it causes many lung issues. We are almost sure that this is not what Hunter has...but I want to be 100% off to testing the boys go. They have to make Hunter sweat on his arm and then they gather the sweat. It is painless...the trick is to get Hunter to hold still and keep the collectors on! We should know something by the end of the week.

As for his progress in general...not much to report. Less wheeze, no spit or runny nose but the cough is still very much a part of every day life...and the wheeze that come around eating time. The more we learn the more it looks like he is aspirating food and drink into his lungs. We will not know for sure until they perform the swallow test which is not scheduled yet.

Wade plays just as big of a role in parenting and day to day care as I do. We always try to both be at his appointments, but some times only one of us can make it. I am sad not to be there but I am grateful to have Wade as my team mate in this parenting adventure we are on....Hunter you have two active, involved and loving parents. Today your daddy took a day off so he could be with you in your appointments, he loves you and wants you to be happy and healthy. Soak it up son.

1 comment:

Kristin January said...

Thinking of you... Keep me updated.

LOVE all 3 of you :)