Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh Say can you see.....

I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be married to a Canadian. I am excited for Hunter to know and love both countries. The Fourth of July is just a few short weeks away and we are ready.

One of the great American privileges is to bare arms, to protect ourselves. Men have fought and died in order for us to be free and have these rights. Hunter, your dad bought you a knife for your first birthday. He plans on buying you a knife every year for your birthday. At first this was scary for me....why do you need so many knifes? Will you hurt yourself? Then I began to realize that this was a way for your dad to share a hobby of his with you. He collects knifes and each knife he has is full of memories and meaning. He wanted to build memories and meaning with you. He wants you to know each year you are loved. He wants you to be able to protect yourself. He wants you to learn ow to hunt and fish. He will teach you. Trust him. Learn from him. Be careful with that knife, it commands respect, just as your father does. Soak it up son.

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