Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sister, you are always welcome

My sister called me at work yesterday to find out if it was OK if she came up to Tracy for a visit this weekend....duh.....of course you are always fact my heart is teeming with joy at the thought of getting to spend some time with you, just you, I will have you all to myself.
I think she worries that Hunter will not know who she is....or that perhaps she is no longer important since I have gotten married and had a baby. True things have changed in my life, but my love for her has only grown deeper. Watching her love my baby boy, seeing her allow my husband to be the brother she never had and spending time with her on the biggest and most important days of my life....all of these moments just allow my love for her grow and grow and grow.
She moved to LA this past weekend to start her second masters program at USC. She wants to help people overcome injuries just as she has overcome her own. She has found a passion for something...she has found her place inside this chaotic world. As she narrows in on her goal I cannot help but feel overwhelmed with pride. She is my sister and I love her today more than ever before.
It is moments like these I know that Wade and I need to have another baby someday so that Hunter may have what my sister and I have....a bond beyond friendship or is an indescribable bond of love and understanding.