Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Giving it all I Got

Today is the annual Almond Conference.

I look forward to going every year. My time there is full of learning the latest policies and tends in the industry as well as building new relationships that could lead to a better, stronger Monte Vista Farming.

I also enjoy running into old friends. People that used to work for me, people I buy equipment and supplies from and people I only see once a year at this conference.

Then there are the people I try and avoid. The sales man that unfortunately has my business card and calls once a week. The grower that wants to complain about everything. And my most challenging....The people I used to work for. I only see them this one time year and it stirs up all types of emotion.

I hate that things are not great between us. It makes my stomach turn to know people out there might not think the best of me....just because I left for another job.

I hope I get the chance to say hello and begin building a new bridge. I hope the past is the past....and that the future holds good things. They are good people....and they played a big roll in my life over that time period I worked there. They gave me more than just an opportunity, they gave me a good that brought out the best in me. One that helped me find me.

Do you have someone in your life that you have a past with...a past you wish you could change? Today is the day to make the call, to reach out your hand, to begin again. At least you will fall asleep tonight knowing that you gave it all you got...I believe that is all God requires from me....all I got.

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