Thursday, April 22, 2010

I am nervous

In just 36 hours I will no longer be tied to work a rigid schedule... I will be free to just be with Hunter. My heart is jumping with joy...we have worked so hard, I have cried so many times, we have prayed endlessly and now the time in in front of me...

I should be thinking a million wonderful things...but instead I am nervous and anxious.

Can I teach him as well as Sonia has?
Will I have the patients to endure his terrible twos?
It is ever possible for me to clean and organize the house the way I want it?
Will we fall back into debt after working so hard to get out of it?
Can I handle not having pedicures and other luxuries?
How many issues am I causing Monte Vista by leaving?
Will I miss the productiveness and success of working?...and the people?
Will Wade feel too much pressure as the sole provider?

I have no clue why my mind is chugging on these questions when my heart so simply knows without a doubt that this is the right choice for me, for my family. Perhaps, again I am learning that the right choice is not always the easiest choice.

I do know that God has had his hand in this plan and in the decision. I believe that he will pour out blessings upon us in this new season of our lives. I guess I am just feeling a little naked as all my leaves fall to the ground...and I am looking forward to the new growth I know is coming.

Friday at world changes then.

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