Yesterday we were out to eat with Nic and Hunter sneezed and his head went flying into the table. He screamed in pain and my heart dropped....the rest of the night all I could think about is how much I HATE THE SNEEZING.
I feel like I have been hitting my head against the wall trying to figure out why my son has such horrible wheezing, sneezing and coughing. We have tried acid reflux meds, nebulizers for asthma, the cold route with meds and steroids.....none of it has really worked. I just want to know what is making Hunter sound so awful.
Hunter is such a happy kid. He does not whine or complain about his coughing, wheezing or sneezing...he just laughs and smiles and gives out tons of hugs. All the more that makes me want to find out why he is struggling with his respiratory system.
Wade and I have been searching high and low through google to find out what the possibilities are. We ordered the million dollar, top of the line air purifier and that arrives this week:)Tomorrow we have an appointment with a children's allergist. I am hoping to find a solution but praying that is does not include Laredo and the cats. Hunter's face lights up and his hands reach out every time the animals walk close to him. I would hate to think that they are the cause of his problems.....we will see.
Pray that we find answers. Xo
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