Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Parenting Jungle

Lately I have had a series of questions running through my head. 

What kind of parent do you want to be?

What kind of parent are you today?

No matter what I am doing through out my day these seem to be common thoughts in my mind. Sometimes I brush it off and do not stop to think or dig deep into my answers because it is too thick a jungle to navigate. Other times I start to process my thoughts and am only distracted by a hungry baby, a ring of the door bell or a cry from the baby which leads to some type of conversation or punishment from Hunter that needs to be dealt out.

So when I heard a big name physiologist and parenting book author was in town giving a free seminar....I handed the kiddos off to Wade for a few hours and convinced my sweet neighbor to come with me to hear what this guy had to say. I wanted answers to my questions. I wanted to know that I was being a good momma. I only left with more questions...

Am I listening to others on how to be a good parent or am I listening to my heart?

Is my generation really as awful at parenting as this guy thinks we are?

I am reading a fun book about a magic room. It is room in a bridal store that is full of mirrors, perfect lightening and a pedestal. It is a book about much more than a room or a bridal store it is a story about women on the verge of marriage. I imagined the book would be full of innocent stories of brides in love picking out their dream dress for their dream day. However the book is full of statistics on marriages, brides and  relationships daughters have with their mothers and fathers. Well PHEW I am at least off the hook here...I do not have a daughter. But I was a pregnant bride, something the book talks about a great deal....almost as if they imply I am less of a parent or do not care about the environment my babies are raised in. The author of the book is older and obviously from a generation that holds great value to marriage and also holds judgments on what he finds as a disrespect to marriage. Lastly, the author has three daughters, and speaks a great deal to the type of man he wants for his girls...and he does so in a way that leads me to believe that there is not a man out there good enough. So I am left with more questions....

Do I value marriage less because I was a pregnant bride?

How am I preparing my boys to be leaders, lovers, providers, protectors and patient enough to deal with these bridezillas? 

My truth is that I have some work to do....a jungle of thoughts to hack through so that I can set a pace and plan for my parenting choices. Being a parent is hard work if you are doing it right. I am learning that I have to have tunnel vision, I have to know what I want for my boys and work hard at making it happen for them. I am going to start with what I want the end to look like....I believe that will work itself out to answer my questions.

Things I want for Hunter and Colt

-For them to know the love of Jesus Christ
-To understand discipline and be able to apply it in their lives
-For them to be good citizens. Not just friendly neighbors and voters. But to believe in america and care   about its land, people and values
-To be hard workers with good work ethics. To do what is right no matter the cost
-I hope they are humble and respectful. Kind and friendly. 
-I want them to be courageous and confident in what they are doing without pride
-For them to know love and be able to love with choices not feelings

Now I need to commit my life and time with them to teaching them these things. Mostly with actions and not words. I am finding that for me....parenting is about instilling values more than teaching ABC's and words not to use. 

Now where did I put my machete....I have a lot of jungle to cut down

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Break My Heart

Who wants a broken heart? Not me and no one I know. Typically when we think of broken hearts we think of crushed young love and children fighting cancer. Lately I have been thinking about what breaks the heart of God and asking for him to break my heart for what break His.

What breaks the heart of the King of Kings, Almighty Powerful One? Cancer, divorce, violence and war...sure I bet these things make Him sad and perhaps angry...but I believe watching so many of His precious children live a life without knowing Him or even more painful to watch them live a life choosing to turn from Him, is what breaks his heart. The heart of our Lord breaks when we are not untied with Him through Christ.

Are you breaking the heart of your author?

I was recently at a family get together and as I looked around the room I knew without a doubt that many of them believed that God was not their savior and in fact believed that"if" there was a God He mocked them and their life was His toilet. I found my heart just broken and thinking,,,I am just not sure how to lead you to the cross. There is no convincing you. I am not going to throw the bible at you or make you feel guilty. I just want to love you. I want you to be warm, well, fed and pleased with the life that you are leading. I want you to be loved for you. So I just sat on the couch with them, ate with them, laughed with them and drove down the mountain.

God has clearly answered my prayers and I find myself gasping for breath and not being able to hold back the tears as I understand what brings the Great I Am to sacrifice the life of His cherished son. I am trying to navigate the next step, which is the "what am I going to do about it".

I am not a girl who gets on a bus to Africa and loves all the orphaned children....I have my own at home today that need me and if I go then I would orphan them to a degree. I am not going to knock on your door and hand out bibles. I am not rich enough to just fund the end of hunger or cure all sickness...not even Oprah is. But I am one girl just trying to figure out how to convince the people in my life to love their maker, how to have a healing more powerful than a painless night, how to multiply the grace and peace in their life through the knowledge of Christ.

I will ask about your faith or lack of it. I will send you CD's full of music that will remind your heart that Jesus loves you. I will pray for you fervently and resiliently. I will share with you openly and shamelessly the difference in my life Christ's love has made. I will never give up on wanting to see you walk into the arms of Jesus and the gates of heaven.

This is what breaks my heart. What breaks yours?

Friday, August 10, 2012

This is Life

I love Raleigh, NC. I love what this move to Raleigh has done in our lives. We spend more time being a family and less time caught up in the business of every thing else going on around us. I love these boys more every day and I want my life and choices to reflect that love. 

This move was hard and felt like bad timing after the birth of Colt and long hospital stays. The right choices are always challenging in some way. I miss my friends I lived daily life with in Tracy dearly. I hate that I cannot get in a car and drive to my sister. All new doctors, trying to grow roots in a new church, helping Hunter meet new buddies, and just learning the ropes of a new city on the other side of the country is not for the faint of heart.

I am learning to let my heart stretch further than I believed it could. To love another little boy, to learn a new city, to make new friends and to KEEP THE OLD. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just Thinking

I stand in awe of how God created our bodies to work and how little we truly understand about them. We have great doctors and have made incredible progress in modern medicine. We find new cures for deadly  diseases every day.  Drastic diet trends seem to pop up every January leading us to what we believe is a healthier way...a way to live longer and stronger. Yet I still think we are still light years away from really grasping just how wonderfully made we are.

As I reflect on the past 6 weeks since Colt has been born I cannot keep my mind off of my body. I am consumed with fear that it will fail me. My deathly high blood pressure readings kept me trapped in the hospital for weeks....and even though I am a free bird walking around my house this morning....I still feel just as trapped.

I need to stop worrying and start trusting. The reality is that I do not need to understand how much pressure each vein in my body can withstand before bursting...or what really holds them together...or what million things I can do to change the reading on the  machine. I need to start trusting that the ONE who made me did it wonderfully and perfectly. That I have every tool I need. HE created my body to carry my precious son and it did.

Every time the nurse would come in my room to take my blood pressure I could feel a knot wind up inside my body and it has only gotten tighter overt time. I need to unwind that knot. At first I thought a long walk or a good sleep could cure me...but it has not worked. What I long for, Peace and healing, they are only found in one place. In the living Word of God and oh how my soul longs for those precious words.

"Heal me O Lord and I will be healed, save me and I will be saved, for thou art my praise."  Jer 17:4