Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A reminder

We all have some trinket around our homes that trigger a sweet memory or encourage us or remind us of something special.

This is mine. It has been packed away for years with my college stuff. I recently came across it and had to but it in it's proper place... On my bathroom mirror.

The heart is from my high school ag teacher. Those 4 years in ag lead me, prepared me and encouraged me to go into the field of ag professionally. I went to Cal Poly and met the best friends of my life. I grew close to God. I had countless experiences that led me to be the woman I am today.

When I graduated I thought I was going to change the world... I was on fire. Life happens I realized I am normal too, you get busy and caught up in just making ends meet.

When I came across this trinket a few months ago I realized I still want to change the world. I still have that fire... And this trinket reminds me of that!

Every day I want to be on fire for what I believe in. I want to make our world a better place. I am not just normal.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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