Wednesday, February 24, 2010


USA beat Canada in the Winter Olympics ice hockey for the first time in a LONG time....and her sign reads this...silly girl.

As for Wade, he still has hope in Canada's Ice hockey team and in America's current health care system!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spring is Here!

We took Hunter out in his Jeep today...and he had so much fun! This is just an empty field across form the mall...

It has been too long since I have shared a picture of my baby almond trees! They are in full bloom and in a matter of weeks they will be green and growing like weeds!

We bought some seeds to start...I know I am a bit late but I have faith my little seedlings will grow quickly so I can put some color in my yard. I am working on a big herb garden and an assortment of colorful flowers. Wade and I have been talking about our garden this year...of course cucumber and i was thinking tomatoes too! Hunter loves squash and carrots....and I love teaching him were food comes from.

What are you planting this year?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

If I could control ONE thing...

It would be the big bad world of the INTERNET...and guaranteeing that I would always be able to connect.

Working in the Boone docs among almond trees does not allow for many internet connection options...and when we are without it we loose all work email, access to our other offices and their servers and SO much more.

Some people I work with actually think I am in control of the internet and if it is working....I WISH.

What do you wish you were in control of?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nothing short of AMAZING!

That is what my husband is.

He lets me fall asleep in the middle of conversations late in the evening.

He watches some of my girly TV shows with me.

Weekly grocery store trips are always made together and he even gives great input on meal planning!

Projects around the house are fun and his ability to renovate with style is astounding.

He also takes careful notes about me and what he can do to love me and support me. After reading yesterdays post he changed the website!

Here is the before and after! I just love how it turned out!

Monday, February 8, 2010

This is What We Do!

Wade has spent quit a bit of time on the Monte Vista Farming Website over the past year....and it is AMAZING...except for one factor....I do not like the picture on the home page. It is a picture of almond trees and it is beautiful.

But we do not grow almonds. We STORE, SORT and SHIP almonds.

I took a few more pictures today and I will continue to find time to walk around with my camera more often. I am still playing with what should go on our home page. More than anything I want people to know what we do...and that we do it well!
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Friday, February 5, 2010


There are many times in a day that my thoughts get so twisted. I become caught up in this world, my feelings, my failures, my dreams that are not nearly accomplished and just how plain tired I am. I let these thoughts circle in my mind. I fester and worry. Doubt overcomes me. The devil has my attention.

Then in one quick second I am reminded of how loved I am. I see a picture of my son. My husband calls. My grandma sends me a quick love note over email. I notice the scripture posted on my desk at work. A smile from a coworker. I see something that resembles a cross. That is all it takes and I am back to believing that I am unstoppable. Then Christ has my attention.

I want to be that for other people.....that pick that breaks the ice, that flame that starts a fire, that gentle reminder that you can just turn off all the bad thoughts....and keep moving...because we can....because our debt is paid....

The truth is I am twisted....just like this old oak tree...but with every twist I learn and grow...I become wiser, stronger, faster and more prepared for what is next. It is in the twists that my strength is there that my beauty comes from. I want other people to know feel believe that.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A night OUT in the Tank

We had the privilege of a night out on a hot date with some great friends of ours....and where do you think we went....?? A sharks hockey game of course!
I love spending time with my favorite friends. I love watching them grow and learn. I love learning from them and hearing their stories. I love sharing moments like these with them.

As I exit the honeymoon phase of my marriage I have come to appreciate being around other married couples that are in LOVE and giving it all they got to show each other that. It is an encouragement and just plain fun to spend time with Kristin and Travis. I hope we always walk through the days of our lives as close friends....friends who can be real, be accountable and know that forever Wade and I will be there for them.

A Trip to the Zoo

This is one of my favorite things to do with Hunter and Wade!

We took a trip to our local zoo on Sunday. The whole time were were there we saw less than a dozen people. The sun came out and it warmed up a bit. I finally got to walk through the Japanese gardens. We never once looked at our phones to see who called, our email to catch up on work or our watches to tell what time it was....we just were together doing what made us laugh and smile.

I want to find more things that we can do together that make me feel this way.

I may be slow like a turtle in figuring out how to balance work and family...but I am trying and slowly but surely I am making some progress.