Monday, November 9, 2009

I am Thankful for all the HARD work

For a man that is not in love with the sea....he sure did stand there just looking at it for a long time. He was probably trying to calculate the speed of the waves or trying to understand the power of the waves and create some new way to harness it.

As for me, I am full just watching him figure it all out.

He works so HARD. Balancing budgets, making payments, playing with Hunter, doing dishes, feeding animals, programing new tools for SUN, learning new tech stuff, researching everything, answering emails, selling baseball programs, writting websites, fixing cars, renovating our home and holding me as I fall asleep each and every night.

I admire you Wade and I notice every small, medium and large thing your do for us. You are leading our family to success.

Sun or Oracle. Job or NO job. 12 children or 1. Eating out or always homecooked. New or used. Debt or paid in full. Either way I am madly in love with you. My heart is bubbling over with pride just to be called by your last name. Thank you for all your hard work to make our dream come true...
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