Wade's mom, dad, grandma and nephew came to visit us (mainly Hunter) over Wade's birthday and the fourth of July. Every time I shared with people that my in-laws were coming for a visit they would say...."Oh sorry, that will be work"...or..."The outlaws, that sounds like fun"...Then they would follow their comments with their own horror stories of overbearing mothers and people that trash houses and cause fights. That is nothing like my expierence...THANK GOD!!
My in laws are more than in they are loved and treasured. I cherish my time with them as they live far away in the magical land of Canada...and our visits are too short, sweet and packed full of projects and trips. Some of my favorite moments with Sherry are when she is playing with Hunter...it is like there is nothing else in the room (not even Wade some times)! I want nothing more in life than for my son to have loved poured upon him from all of his family...Sherry fulfills her duty ten fold. She loves with her whole heart, she holds nothing back when it comes to her children and grandchildren. And grandma Pat she is like the energizer bunny...going and going all day long. Pat has one of those voices, it is like an angel sweet, full of love and uplifting. Then there is Neil, I look at Wade and I see so much of him...his work ethic most of all. Neil unceasingly works... under the car, in the office, behind the saw building a shelf, paint brush in his hand, planting flowers...then when he sits down for a cup of coffee or an ice cold beer and he talks about the next project or reflects on how nice the last project he finished looks. Neil is not half ass either...anything he does is top notch...when I tell people all the projects Wade, Neil and Nic have done they just cannot believe it was not a professional...I tell them it was, Neil is a professional!!
They have loved me since day one. I have felt nothing but acceptance and kindness. In fact our last visit to Canada they insisted we stay in their room as it was the biggest and easiest with Hunter. What is the last time someone gave up their bed for you? This simple act brought me to tears...I was humbled and filled with love by their generosity. My relationship with them has only gotten sweeter from that moment.
I love you Neil and Sherry. Thank you for Wade. He is my world. Thank you for loving me in every sense of the word. Thank you for taking every chance to love on Hunter...you play a special role and have a special place in his life...forever.